Tuesday, September 4, 2007

LCD with embedded optical scanner

This is piece is a little off the path of intelligent content however in many ways compliments what I blog about here. It seems that Sharp has announced that it is about to release in September this year a LCD which has a built in optical scanner.

What this means is that on top of complete removal the the exiting touch screen component from today's mobile devices, we will also be able to use the scanner to scan images, fingerprints, business cards and the like. I also suspect that the impressive multi touch functionality of the IPhone (actual created by an external researcher) will be possible with this new screen.

The piece mentioned above goes into a little more detail and is worth a read if so technically minded.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Patent submission

Finally after about eight months of part time work we have submitted our patent. I will go into more detail at a later stage but the one will end up becoming two and covers our work in multi-sensory enabled content and variable charging for media.

Vlad's and I are very happy to have hit this milestone!

It's not just about the Map

A variance of Lance Armstrong's book title 'It's not about the bike' has been ringing in my ears for several weeks now since Nokia launched their new advertising campaign for the N-Series. The campaign (atleast in Australia) is using a new catch phrase which I believe is something like 'Maps, Pictures, Video and Music' or something to that effect.

Now as you will be aware I am a big fan of Nokia due to their quiet but continual innovation around sensory addons for their devices (see previous blogs). This has not changed since Nokia's aggressive push into the navigation market with the 6110, E90, N95 and other devices. The concern I have though is that 'It's not about the map' or better still 'It's not JUST about the map'.

I can understand that we need to slowly and easily introduce these concepts to the masses but for those of us who are actively creating, developing and supporting these new technologies we need to look further outside the traditional uses.

GPS is not only about navigation, it is not only about location based advertising, for me GPS (and other sensory devices) are about enriching content of all kinds. Yes we will be able to navigation between A & B and push advertisements to those who want it (opt in) but we need to start talking about the additional opportunities, the travel content, fitness commentary and even general publishing content which can harness and be enhanced by this new and exciting addition which we will all be utilising within 18 months.